Adult Education

Upon request, Marion Bernstein periodically teaches an adult Hebrew Class.  The hour-long lessons are held on the fourth Saturday of each month after Kiddush (12:30 p.m.).  Starting with the alef-bet, the class progresses to simple words found in the siddur (prayer book).  There is no charge for the course, but please register by e-mail to Marion at

Currently, we have a monthly adult education shiur with our rabbi, Armin Langer.  These are generally held in conjunction with Friday evening and Saturday morning Services.  Please see the Bulletin for dates and topics.

Education is a central aspect of Beth Am's relationship with our visiting rabbis and as such they conduct night study/havdalah sessions.  This is normally done in conjunction with Simchat Torah, Purim, and Shavuot, and periodically on weekends as part of our visiting rabbi schedule.

During our shabbat morning services, a brief dvar Torah is presented by a member of the congregation and is focused on educating the congregation on important concepts emerging from the weekly Parasha.